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Legal Notice and Reply

A legal notice is a formal communication sent by one party to another, typically through a legal representative or attorney, to inform the recipient of a specific legal issue or dispute.

  • Legal notices play a crucial role in the legal process and are an integral part of the legal system.
  • Sometimes, it is mandatory to serve a legal notice as prescribed under certain criminal laws before initiating the process to sue, i.e. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 and Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
  • In the sphere of civil law, the legal notice is a reminder given by one party to another that they are willing to sue the latter since they failed to perform a particular duty or cease infringing on the rights of the parties. It also gives the recipient an ultimatum chance to respond to the matter at hand in a bid to prevent the case form being taken to the court.
  • It is embarrassing when one lacks adequate information or knowledge about a legal notice in a legal realm especially when the effects impact on the subsequent legal proceedings.

Meaning of Legal Notice

  • Legal notice can simply be defined as an official warning given by a legal authority such as a court to an individual, organization or company. It is in writing wherein a particular party communicates towards the doer of law that he or she is willing to seek legal remedy; it may involve either a mere communication of a legal act or a legal proceeding or suit.
  • It is normally transmitted by a lawyer or an attorney at law for and in the interest of his or her client. The function of a legal notice is to discharge information to the recipient that there could be a legal matter or to demand particular actions or remedies.

Purpose and Importance of a Legal Notice

Thus, a legal notice has various functions and each of them confirms its necessity in civil legal proceedings.

  • Formal Communication: The notice performs the role of stated communication to the recipient wherein the sender presents his grievances, the legal authority for such grievances and the course of action needed so that the sender does not resort to litigation.
  • Opportunity for Resolution: Through basic details of the sender's demands, a legal notice creates chances of negotiations, settlements or any sort of amicable settlement of the dispute without going the legal way that consumes time, money and gives no assurance of victory.
  • Legal Prerequisite: It is worth noting that in some occasions giving a legal notice is mandatory for any legal process to be taken. For instance in consumer disputes, dispute between the landlord and tenant or in cheque bounce cases under Negotiable Instruments Act it is mandatory to serve legal notice to the opposite party.
  • Evidence of Good Faith: A legal notice proves that the sender is reasonable since the recipient gets an opportunity to address the matter without going to law court.

Types of Legal Notices 

Legal notices of course can be of different types or varying depending on the type of dispute. Some common types include:

  • Contractual Disputes: When one of the parties has violated the contract then the injured party may serve a legal notice to the other party to honor the terms of the contract or pay for the damages.
  • Property Disputes: Legal notices in property matters may cover areas of interest in the ownership, possession or use of real estates. They may touch on matters which range from trespass, encroachment or construction without duly being authorized.
  • Consumer Disputes: A consumer suffers from harm in one way or the other at the hands of a service provider or manufacturer, he may serve a legal notice to the service provider or manufacturer seeking an undertaking to compensate the customer, or rectify the quality of the product if it is defective.
  • Cheque Bounce Cases: According to Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act, the payee upon getting the cheque bounced has to issue a notice to the drawer for the amount sought within 30 days after the cheque’s return and then can file a complaint.
  • Employment Disputes: Persons in an organization or the employers themselves may serve the legal notices to seek redress for wrongful dismissal, wages owed or contract breach, harassment among other things.
  • Family Disputes: Essentially, legal notices have their application in civil matters like a divorce, alimony or child custody where debtors or their counterparts have to be served notice of demand or intent to sue them.

Components of a Legal Notice

  • Sender’s Information: The legal notice starts with the identification of the sender of the legal notice such as name, address, phone number and email address. If the sender has an attorney representing him/her at the time of sending a mail, the name and address of the attorney is also provided.
  • Recipient’s Information: The notice is written to the recipient whose full name, address and contact details are provided in the beginning.
  • Subject Line: It has about it the gravity of the complaint or the legal issue at hand, but against giving all the details, it is brief. For instance, “Legal Notice for Breach of Contract” or “Legal Notice for Recovery of Outstanding Dues. ”
  • Statement of Facts: This section will also include factual presentation of the events that culminated to the dispute. It comprises the history of transaction, correlation between the parties, duties of the parties and how the recipient has violated duties.
  • Legal Grounds: It provides the legal ground through which the sender makes his/her assertions. This may contain reference to certain laws, regulation or terms of the contract, which the recipient has been accused of violating.
  • Demands: Receipt of a notice outlines action that the sender expects the recipient to take to correct the behavior or action. This may be effected by a payment of an agreed amount of money, abstaining from a certain act as agreed or even compliance with the legal requirements provided in a contract among others.
  • Timeframe: It is seen that a definite period of time is given to the recipient to adhere with the requirements. This time can be usually stipulated according to the nature of the controversy on the matters in question as well as the legal provisions invoking the legal system in question.
  • Signature: Here, information contains a notice signed by the sender or his authorized representative, as a guaranty of the message’s validity.

Legal Notices in the Light of Legal Provisions

  • Amendment of 2002 in Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), 1908: Although the CPC does not make provisions for legal notices for majority of the civil cases and then some, it supports the system inasmuch as it provides for notices in cases where certain acts are necessary before instituting a civil suit. For instance, under section 80 of the CPC it is mandatory to serve a legal notice to the government or a public officer before instituting an action against him/her.
  • Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: An essential part of the Negotiable Instruments Act Section 138 states that a legal notice must be served within thirty days of the dishonor of cheque. The drawer of the cheque then has 15 days to make the payment, in case he fails to do it, legal proceedings can be begun.
  • Consumer Protection Act, 2019: There is no legal mandate saying that the consumer has to write a legal notice for seeking redressal from the service provider or seller However it is followed by many a consumer to notify the service provider/seller with the complaint so that they can respond and taken necessary action to rectify the matter without approaching the Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission.
  • Transfer of Property Act, 1882: There are often situations in the landlord and tenant cases, especially where the landlord wishes to evict the tenant or the tenant who has not paid his/her rent for a long time.

Procedure of Serving a Legal Notice

  •  Drafting the Notice
    • Engage a Lawyer: Even though legal notices can be written and even delivered personally by the sender, it is recommended that the person who wants to serve the notice hires a legal practitioner who should make sure the notice complied with the legal requirements, inclusive and persuasive.
    • Fact-Checking: Among them it is necessary to highlight that prior to writing the work itself all facts connected with the conflict must be comprehensively examined. These can be contracts, communication records, invoices, receipts among others that the organization may deal with in their day to day activities.
    • Legal Research: The lawyer or the individual should take time and find the laws and past cases that will support the statements made in the notice.
    • Clear and Precise Language: The words used should be simple and devoid of legalistic expressions which might make its understanding difficult to the average person. It should be straightforward and brief so as not to complicate anything with the recipient clearly understanding the grievance made and the claims being made.

  • Reviewing and Finalizing
    • Review by the Client: The draft of the notice to issue should also be forwarded to the client (the sender) for an analysis to ensure that the facts deposited are correct and that the demands meet the anticipated standards.
    • Revisions: Should there be any changes to any of the provisions in the statue, such change(s) should be made before issuance of the notice. This can be done in form of incorporating or excluding some aspects, elaborating on some demands or even changing the working timeliness for the compliance.

  • Serving the Notice
    • Method of Service: It is important to know that a legal notice can be served in a number of ways which include:
      • Registered Post with Acknowledgment Due (RPAD): This is the most preferred method suffice the fact that the sender has proof of service.
      • Email: When the operation is done and the parties used to writing through emails, the legal notice may also be served through the email address, but the addresses should be valid and active.
      • Personal Delivery: The notice can also be hand delivered meaning that the recipient signs for it and this serves as proof that the delivery was made.
    • Proof of Service: It is always recommended that you should keep proof of service like acknowledgment receipt, proof of the courier shipment or the email delivery receipt. This proof may be needed in court in order to prove that the respective notice was properly served.

Consequences of Not Responding to a Legal Notice

If a party fails to reply to the legal notice that has been served to it several legal ramifications ensue depending on the nature of the issues in dispute coupled with the laws that govern the issues in disagreement.

  • Implied Admission or Acknowledgment: Although the failure to respond does not lead to legal assumption of culpability for the event or the legal responsibility for the occurrence as claimed in the notice, the failure may amounts to lack of defense or admission of the claims made in the notice.
  • Proceeding with Litigation: In the event that the recipient does not respond or is unwilling or unable to meet the demands of the sender within the set time frame then the sender is normally allowed to approach the courts. For example:
  • Section 80 CPC, 1908: In case the notice given under this section is not replied or the grievance is not solved then the sender can file a suit after the time period (normally 2 months) fixed in the notice has elapsed.
  • Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: As per the section 138, if the drawer of a dishonor cheque does not pay the amount within a period of fifteen days of the receipt of a notice in writing from the payee or the holder of the cheque asking for payment of the amount, then the payee can lodged a complaint.
  • No Adverse Legal Consequences for Non-Response: In some circumstances ignorance of the legal notice does not come with legal repercussions in the sense that the legal notice did not require a person to respond and in this particular case. However, failing to respond to the legal notice pushes the sender to the next level of taking legal action such as taking one to court.
  • Estoppel and Waiver: Under some occasions, failure of the recipient to respond to a legal notice would mean he would be barred from advancing some defenses in future. For example where the notice refers to a breach of contract and the recipient does not deny this then they cannot argue the breach in court.

Why Close Corporation must Reply to a Legal Notice?

  • Avoiding Litigation: In simple, the first and most obvious reason to reply to a legal notice is to prevent a lawsuit. A good response helps in arriving at a friendly resolution or a negotiation thus avoiding a court trial.
  • Legal Record and Evidence: The reply to a legal notice is considered to be an official reply and may be used as an evidence in court as well. When the dispute reaches the legal process of trial the legal notice and the reply shall be produced by the court to determine the stance of each party.
  • Defending Against Claims: In particular, if the allegations are forged or contain omissions, inaccuracies or exaggerations then an effective response can act as a reliable shield. It affords an opportunity to the recipient to deny the allegations, provide arguments against them as well as state his/her lawful entitlements.

Strategic Considerations in Replying to a Legal Notice

  • The Authenticity of the Allegations: In order to pen a reply to a legal notice, it is crucial to analyze whether the legal claims made in the legal notice are legally prudent or not. This entails going through all the documents, contracts and letters written by the parties that are in disagreement, the facts of the case.
  • Identifying the Legal Standing: After the claims have been evaluated, the recipient has to substantiate his or her legal standing. This is in regard to any availability of legal shields, any aspects that work in the sender’s favour, or any case’s flaws.
  • Exploring Settlement Options: A reply to a legal notice is also a chance to discuss possible means of coming to a mutual agreement. If the recipient shows willingness to engage in bargaining, the reply may suggest a face-to-face meeting or any form of settlement through use of mediation or the available ADR mechanisms.
  • Timeframe for Reply: This means that it is mandatory that a response is made within the time frame as given by the legal notice. If this is not done it will have a negative impact on the legal standing of the recipient and the sender might exercise his right in court.

How Can We Help You?

  • Legal Analysis: The advocate assesses the client's situation and analyzes the legal aspects of the case to determine the appropriate grounds for sending a legal notice.
  • Gathering Information: The advocate gathers relevant facts, documents, and evidence to support the claims or demands outlined in the notice.
  • Drafting the Notice: Based on the analysis and information collected, the advocate drafts the legal notice in a clear, concise, and legally precise manner.
  • Legal Language and Tone: The advocate ensures that the notice is written using appropriate legal language and maintains a professional and respectful tone.
  • Clarity and Specificity: The advocate ensures that the notice clearly outlines the facts of the case, the legal basis for the claims, and the specific relief or demands being sought.
  • Compliance with Laws: The advocate ensures that the notice is compliant with relevant laws and regulations, taking into account any procedural requirements.
  • Legal Precedents and Precedence: The advocate may refer to legal precedents and relevant case law to strengthen the arguments presented in the notice.
  • Negotiation and Settlement: In some cases, the advocate may include language in the notice indicating a willingness to engage in negotiations or settle the matter amicably.
  • Deadline and Response: The advocate sets a reasonable deadline for the recipient to respond to the notice, indicating the consequences of non-compliance.
  • Legal Significance: The advocate ensures that the notice has legal significance, establishing a formal record of the grievances and intentions of the sender.
  • Sending the Notice: The advocate handles the process of sending the notice to the recipient, often through registered post or other verifiable means.
  • Recordkeeping: The advocate maintains copies of the notice, delivery receipts, and any other relevant correspondence for future reference.
  • Reply to Notice: The same diligence is duly taken care of, while preparing reply to a legal notice. 


That is all, the aim of a legal notice in the civil law system is to give the recipient an opportunity to handle a conflict without proceeding to the court. The problem with not engaging with a legal notice is the following; the failure can lead to commencement of legal proceedings against the sender, risk that a court could make an adverse inference against the recipient, and stay from putting forth specific arguments in court. On one hand, legal notices are useful in persuading the involved parties to engage in reciprocation and fairness in civil litigation and on the other hand, both the senders and the recipients of the legal notices have to be very cautious. To serve a legal notice or a reply, or to know more, contact us.


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