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Counselling and ADR

Understanding Legal Counselling in India

  • Legal advice is a must-need in the Indian legal realm. That is the practice of giving advice on the operation of the law for those facing legal issues, in person or in business, and other groups. Legal counselling involves not only the delivery of legal advice but also guidance on complex and multilayered legal processes, Clients’ confirmation of the legal position that has been explained to them, and counselling clients on what needs to be done.
  • In India, legal counselling proves to be an influential factor in shaping the result of all types of issues, including family law problems, business/corporate, civil litigation, criminal litigation etc. Thus, legal services will always be an essential commodity that you can use to enhance compliance, solve issues, reduce stress, and address matters that indicate the legal evidence of clients’ rights for individuals and companies.
  • Legal counselling is all about getting to know your circumstances, understanding your legal position, as well as guiding you into making choices that may define your life, business, or future. Whether you are dealing with family issues, corporate problems, compoundable criminal matters, or civil suits, a competent attorney is an efficient beacon that shows the right way to, potential, victory.

Types of Legal Counselling

  • Preventive Legal Counselling: It is mainly about consulting the law before it becomes a matter of law. This type of counselling is important to individuals or organizations that would like to minimize the legal risks relating to lawsuits. Hiring a lawyer at the initial stages of decision-making helps the client avoid conflict, acquire a legal knowledge of legal requirements, and act legally.
  • Therapeutic Legal Counselling: It is meant for clients who already have some legal problems. This legal counselling may entail a discussion of the legal process, and what other alternatives are available, or help the client weigh the legal process and come up with the best legal plan.
  • Transactional Legal Counselling: It offers specialized advice for specific legal deals and agreements. It’s especially important for businesses and individuals who are navigating contracts, mergers, acquisitions, or other legal transactions. This type of counselling helps ensure that everyone involved fully understands the terms, spots any potential risks, and works towards negotiating terms that are favourable for all parties involved.
  • Family Law Counselling: It is a kind of legal counselling service that is provided for family-related problems. They are divorce suits, child custody disputes, cases of alimony, and issues to do with inheritance. The role of family law counselling is to offer the clients understanding and professional advice in emotionally sensitive cases of family law in India.
  • Criminal Law Counselling: Criminal law counselling is crucial for anyone facing criminal charges or those who have been victims of a crime. It offers clients a clear understanding of their rights, the legal process, and what they might expect as the case unfolds. Having this type of guidance can be pivotal in shaping the defense strategy and significantly impacting the final outcome of the case.
  • Corporate Legal Counselling: Corporate legal counselling is specifically designed for businesses and organizations, addressing a broad spectrum of legal concerns. This type of counselling assists companies in managing various legal matters such as compliance with regulations, protection of intellectual property, employment law issues, and corporate governance. 

Benefits of Legal Counselling

  • Expert Guidance: More specifically, the most profound advantage of legal counselling is that it is an avenue through which one is able to access an expert, and the expert guidance is highly helpful for the clients in decision-making while on the other avoiding legal repercussions.
  • Personalized Advice: Legal counselling deals with giving befitting advice according to the needs of the client. Whether handling a business legal matter or an individual matter, legal counselors make sure that they come up with solutions that will address the specific situations that surround a case.
  • Cost Efficiency: Consultation enables clients to avoid unnecessary legal cases hence reducing legal costs of paying for the services. In cases where legal action is required for a client, legal counselling can offer guidance to the client regarding an effective and efficient way to go about the case without spending a lot of money.
  • Informed Decision-Making: This enlightens the clients on what they can do, what the law allows them to do, and the various repercussions of their actions and decisions in a given society. This systematic approach is very essential in the determination of legal issues as it enables one to make an informed decision.
  • Confidentiality and Trust: Legal consultation is done under conditions of privacy in order to allow the clients to freely disclose details of their legal matters. This keeps the flow of information between the client and the legal counsellor informal and this is very vital for building the much needed trust in formulating the most effective legal strategies.

Services under Legal Counselling also Include

  • Consultation and Legal Advice: A consultation or an advice where a client can speak to any of the lawyers with any legal concerns he or she may be having. In these consultations, the clients are given straightforward and practical legal advice to enable them to make informed conclusions.
  • Legal Documentation and Review: It helps clients in the drafting, proofreading, and evaluation of legal papers. Whether writing contracts, reading contracts, or creating letters, we make sure that all the papers are correct in law, at the service of clients, and for the benefit of clients.
  • Mediation and Negotiation: Enabling individuals and organizations to avoid court proceedings and engage in negotiations for a mutually satisfactory solution. The practitioners are effective negotiators who operate with the primary goal of asserting the interests of the clients while not compromising the interests of other counterparties.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the Indian Legal System

  • Definition of ADR: ADR is an abbreviation for Alternative Dispute Resolution which literally means having a dispute resolved through a mechanism other than a court. Some of the traditional methods common in resolving disputes are; Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, Conciliation, and Lok Adalats.
  • The Concept of ADR:  It is centered around creating a structural framework through which the disputes can be resolved out of court and peacefully with the assistance of an impartial person, and keeping in mind the result can be either enforceable or non-enforceable depending on the type of ADR to be adopted.
  • Acceptance: Thus ADR has been approved and supported in India by both judiciary as well as legislature as a way to obtain justice more efficiently and effectively.

Types of ADR

  • Arbitration: Arbitration is commonly recognized as a form of ADR where the disputants consent to let the disagreement be resolved by one or more individuals known as arbitrators. Though it’s not as formal as it is in the court they follow a particular structure while handling the case. Arbitration is also known to be compulsory, and the final award made by the arbitrators is as authoritative for the parties as any judicial decision. Arbitration in India is regulated by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996; which has been amended in the year 2015 and 2019 to make it less cumbersome. Key features of arbitration include:
    • Confidentiality: The proceedings and the award are wholly confidential, which is essential in most commercial cases anyway.
    • Expertise: An advantage of arbitration especially in the commercial dispute is that the arbiters are usually professionals in the field of the dispute.
    • Speed: Compared to other civil litigation processes, the process is much faster with specific timelines for the conduct of proceedings.

  • Mediation: Mediation involves a third party, which is referred to as a mediator, who assists in the negotiation process between the parties in a dispute for the purpose of coming up with a resolution. In contrast to arbitration where the arbitrator compels the parties to accept a particular award, the mediator helps the parties to reach an agreement. Mediation is an ADR technique in which disputing parties are not compelled to abide by the decision made by the third-party neutral except by mutual agreement. Key features of mediation include:
    • Voluntary Process: Mediation is always by consent, and the parties have the right to select the resolution and have input on the same.
    • Confidentiality: Like arbitration, mediation is private which would create a free-flowing dialogue between the parties.
    • Preserving Relationships: Mediation is especially useful in those cases when the preservation of a relationship is crucial for some reason, like in family or business relationships.

  • Conciliation: The main difference between conciliation and mediation is that the conciliator assumes a more proactive role in the process of reaching a solution. While being appointed to ensure that parties talk, the conciliator offers opinions, recommendations, and likely settlements. Compared to arbitration, conciliation is not binding but the parties can accept the conciliator’s recommendations and therefore it is more of a systematic approach to mediation. Key features of conciliation include:
    • Active Role of the Conciliator: The conciliator is a neutral third party and can also offer recommendations on how the parties can settle the issue.
    • Flexibility: It is an extended version of the negotiation process in which parties are able to agree on the processes and the time.
    • Non-binding: It is not final and may be implemented only if the parties accept it, which means they have decision-making power.

  • Lok Adalats: Thus, Lok Adalats, also known as People’s Courts are the most literal form of ADR in India which finds its legal base through the Legal Services Authorities Act, of 1987. Lok Adalats are concerned with the actual settlement of dispute by adjustment and compromise and such courts dispose of legal causes of action that are not complicated. Lok Adalats give their awards in the form of a legal decision and therefore have no provision of appeal and are therefore quick and inexpensive. Key features of Lok Adalats include:
    • Speedy Resolution: The cases are disposed of fast and most of them are within one sitting.
    • No Court Fees: For this reason, there are no fees charged to the public utilizing it, and therefore is open to anyone.
    • Finality of Decision: The decisions made are final and cannot be appealed meaning that they bring finality to the dispute.

Adoption of ADR in the Structure of the Indian Legal System

ADR is flexible and can be applied to different fields and branches of law in India. ADR processes are preferred, approved, and accepted by the legal system for civil and commercial cases and even some criminal cases where appropriate. The Indian judiciary and legislature have incorporated ADR mechanisms into various statutes and legal frameworks for its encouragement.

  • Civil and Commercial Disputes: ADR is most popular in civil and commercial litigation and it is usually applied in contractual and business relations and property disputes. Section 89 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) enacted in 1908 provides for the possibility of referring the case to ADR methods, including arbitration, conciliation, and mediation. India’s Commercial Courts Act, 2015 also provides importance to the ADR techniques in dealing with commercial cases so as to relieve the burden on courts and for early disposal.
  • Family Law Matters: Some of the areas of the law where ADR is more applicable include the area of family laws such as divorce cases, custody of children, or issues relating to inheritance among others. These issues can however be resolved through mediation and conciliation to ensure family relationships are not severely strained and the dispute is resolved amicably. This has been facilitated by the provisions of the Family Courts Act, 1984, wherein the family courts have been encouraged to adopt mediation as a mode of settling family disputes, and as a result, most of the family courts throughout the country have adopted mediation as one of the tools for settlement of disputes.
  • Labour and Employment Disputes: Disputes over labor and employment usually embrace several factors that can be resolved using ADR mechanisms. Section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 allowing of conciliation and arbitration to be resorted to for the settlement of industrial disputes jurisdiction. It assists in preserving industrial harmony and preventing the continuation of cases in court for several years.
  • Consumer Disputes: Consumer disputes are also one of the areas in which ADR has been used quite effectively. The Consumer Protection Act, of 2019 encourages the use of mediation since it is fast and effective in addressing consumer grievances. Consumer Mediation Cells under the Act have also strengthened the ADR mechanism during the redressal of consumer disputes.
  • Criminal Matters: In general, it is felt that ADR has a connection or relation only with civil cases, however, ADR may suit especially with some number of criminal cases especially when the criminal cases are minor cases or compoundable cases. Section 320 of the CrPC/ Section 359 of the BNSS, which is the Indian Law, also permits the compounding of some offenses through a mutual agreement between the parties involved. This approach not only assists in clearing up the backlog of cases but also assists in the implementation of restorative justice.

Benefits of ADR in the Indian Legal System 

The use of ADR is indeed fruitful in a variety of aspects, for the participants as well as for the legal panorama at large. These benefits include:

  • Speedy Resolution: This is perhaps one of the biggest strengths of ADR as it eliminates the long time it may take to solve disputes in a crowded court calendar. On the other hand, traditional court cases in India may take as many years or even as many decades to be concluded and finalized while arbitration, mediation, and Lok Adalats speed up the process to a great extent.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: It is widely understood that ADR is less expensive than traditional litigation. In this context, it must be noted that utilizing ADR might afford an opportunity to minimize costs such as those of courts, lawyers, and those that arise from protracted trials.
  • Flexibility and Informality: ADR processes are largely less structured and less formal as compared to the judicial systems. The parties have more control as a result they participate in the selection of the third-party neutral (mediator, arbitrator, etc), rules of the procedure, and time frame. This creates flexibility in the process which can suit the needs and interests of the parties to the disputes.
  • Confidentiality: The last is that the use of ADR helps to maintain confidentiality which is very essential in certain cases that involve sensitive issues or cases that have never been revealed to the public. This is especially the case when the parties in the dispute are engaged in business and the disclosure of sensitive information may be prejudicial to their commercial affairs.
  • Preservation of Relationships: This is in contrast with ADR techniques such as mediation and conciliation, for example, which allow the parties to arrive at their own solution themselves as opposed to having one imposed upon them. In this method, ADR ensures that an agreement promoting the continued relationship between the two parties is arrived at without a court having to intervene.
  • Tailored Solutions: ADR also permits one to come up with innovative solutions which may not be possible when going to court. Because the parties involved are able to have a voice in the process, the parties can then work together to get solutions that fit their needs best.

The Role of Legal Counselling in ADR

Counselling is crucial for the success of ADR processes. Counselors provide expert advice and assistance to parties in understanding the ADR options available, possible outcomes, and best strategies. The benefits of counselling for ADR are as under:

  • Educating Clients on ADR Options: One of the most important jobs of legal counselling is to actually explain to a client what their ADR options are. Most clients don’t really understand the upsides to ADR generally, and they certainly won’t know in what type of dispute which type of ADR process might be most appropriate. But a legal counselor can tell you that.
  • Preparing Clients for ADR Proceedings: Legal Counselling is necessary to make sure that the clients are well prepared for the ADR proceeding i.e. Whether it’s Mediation, Arbitration, or conciliation. Preparedness includes understanding the process, setting realistic expectations, and devising a strategy for negotiation or presentation of their case. With legal counselling, clients feel more confident which helps them be in control and therefore get better deals.
  • Facilitating Communication and Negotiation: At the mediation table In ADR, communication and negotiations are everything. Lawyers can help clients reflect on and voice their own interests more clearly in those processes. They also help both sides to find common ground and hammer out terms that are agreeable for all. This advice is especially relevant in mediation and conciliation where the intention is to produce a win-win end.
  • Ensuring Compliance and Enforceability: The role of the legal counselor in this context also becomes very crucial, as it is the responsibility of their courts that all ADR decisions made by them are legally sound and capable of enforceable. They draft settlement agreements arbitral awards, or conciliation agreements that are legally compliant. 

How Can We Help You? 

  • Legal Counseling: Before you enter into any litigation, a proper legal counseling helps you in understanding the consequences of your legal stand, and throughout your entire legal journey, our legal counseling helps you in taking informed and right decisions which saves your time and money, also helps you in finding alternative modes for your disputes resolution.
  • Explaining ADR Methods: It is the duty of advocates to inform the clients of the many types of ADRs; mediation, arbitration, conciliation, and negotiations while detailing the one most appropriate for a conflict.
  • Assessing Suitability for ADR: We evaluate the type and degree of the conflict and indicate if it is possible to use ADR to solve the conflict because not all conflicts are suitable for this.
  • Clarifying Legal Implications: Pieces written by advocates state the legal effects and consequences of using ADR rather than a trial as well as the gains, which include faster resolution, cheap remedy and privacy.
  • Guiding through the ADR Process:: We aim for detailed instructions on how to start the ADR process, how to select the appropriate arbitrator, mediator, or conciliator, or complete the necessary paperwork.
  • Representing Interests in ADR Sessions: In ADR sessions, either in negotiation or in mediation, advocates make it their responsibility to fight for their client’s justice as well as his/her interest.
  • Conflict Resolution Strategy: They assist in the formulation of the tactics to be used in approaching a negotiation or mediation with an aim of getting a desirable solution but preferably with amicable relations with the other side.
  • Drafting and Reviewing Settlement Agreements: Once an ADR process has been completed, we prepare, discuss and approve the legal documents that support the resolution of the agreements, which have the backing of the court.
  • Post-ADR Legal Support: This support is further offered by the advocates upon advising on the manner of implementing the reached settlements, or filing for enforcement in the event that either party is seen to have disobeyed the agreed upon directions.
  • Minimizing Litigation Risk: Arising from counseling, the advocates ensure that future disagreements are avoided by guiding the clients on legal alternatives which need to be taken following the ADR process.


As the ancient Indian system persists in growing and expanding new possibilities through ADR, the significance of appointing legal guidance in these procedures cannot be exaggerated. The refreshing alterations to ADR laws and the skilled legal counsellors add an effective means for both individuals and corporations to dodge the costs and complexities of the procedures that would be found in the legal system altogether. Some ADR comes with a right to a formal hearing, whether we will require that depends on the nature of your dispute. On the recommendation of ADR, a professional’s assistance is needed in order to make it through the system with your rights intact to reach the most beneficial solution for all parties involved. To know more, contact us.


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